Someone With Minimal Direction

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

First Damn Blog

Hey everyone, Ive never done anythning quite fruity like this...... but since the israel kids do it i may as well give it a shot so i cant promise this will ever be updated again but ill see if i can get into it. Roth, Sam, and Tonny have inspired me to set this up but the schechter and westchester crew will proabbly lead the category of ridiculous stories and dumb activies on this blog over the next couple weeks. For Instance the infamous night at Davis where we almost got into a gang fight with the kids frmo two fast two furious with panjo schawrtzbaum green nose brizzy graf schier u all knw who were there and idk if that was the night of the infamous O ABers here laugh from graf and of course kooz was there.

So about me..... where do i begin, Im 18 waiting to start college in January at of course Yeshiva Universtiy, currently i have as much direction as John Denvers aircraft right now bu tim working on that and kind of enjoy doing nothing as usual. I love sports a devout and i MEAN DEVOUT Boston Red Sox fan with new ace Yehoshua Beckett and Mechael Lowell we can do it again. Dallas Cowboys and my man Julius and Roy W, The Celts with PErice West and TONy ALLEN, and of course Tomo Routu and the CHICAGO BHAWKS. Wut else... I listen to John Mayer mroe than anyone else even if it is kind of girly bu ti appreciate it but i also like rap hip hop and all that jazz.. hard nipples

I wish everyone the best at yesodei ha torah and northeastern for going along with my time spent at both places for a total of about 3 weeks and being real troopers.

everyone is home for thanksgiving so well see wut ridiculous things happen over the next week or so and mqayeb next time ill let u in on some stories from trips to binghamton butgers and retarded stuff that i like to call the summer of 2005